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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Truth Really is Stranger Than Fiction

Several times in the past when writing stories, I drew on my own memories... and then was told by several members of my crit group that they couldn't believe those things would happen. 

In The Christmas Curse, my heroine has terrible memories of Christmas -- one of them is when she got a training bra in her Christmas stocking:

Thankfully, this wasn't as embarrassing as her eleventh Christmas, when Santa left a size 28AA training bra and a trial-sized box of Kotex in her stocking—a lovely tale that made the rounds at school, thanks to the big mouths of her two older brothers, and resulted in much bra strap snapping upon her return from vacation. She probably still had the bruises on her back to prove it.
Yes... yes that really did happen to me.  Though I only had one older brother at home.

And in Pregnancy Cravings, I used the memory of the time when I was pregnant myself and DYING for salt and vinegar chips (taking an entire lunch period to find them ... none of the stores by my job carried them as this was when they had first come out).

Her obsession started innocently enough. In desperation, and unable to find the specific item she needed at the last three stores, Patrice ran to the counter of a little mom-and- pop grocery. A quick glance at her watch told her she'd been gone for nearly an hour. How was that possible?

"Do you have salt and vinegar kettle cooked chips?" She directed the question to the flannel-clad back of the clerk at the register.
Both memories were actually the impetus for the idea for the entire story of each.

I like to hope, when bad things happen, some day I'll pull out that memory and use it for good ... in a story.

What are some memories you have that you think would make great story starters?

You can find Marianne Arkins at her website and blog.


  1. Well, Marianne, most of my stories have come from one memory (maybe a little altered of course) or another. However, my clearest one inspired an entire short story in my anthology getting ready to release this late Fall.

    Rarely do memories influence an entire story, most of the time they serve as anecdotes, little quirks. This one, however, decided to become the entire story (with names and genders changed up). It's a haunting recount of my experience during a loved one's attempt at suicide. In my story 'Killing Innocence' a young boy witnesses his mother trying to kill himself and how it profoundly impacts him, even at such a young age.

    Naturally, I've changed the names, genders, and relationships of the individuals involved to protect people, but it is still a clear memory. I can't imagine any author not drawing on their life experiences to shape, inspire or add flavor to their writing.

    And, by the way, I so have the image of a girl getting her training bra stuck in her Christmas stocking now! ;)

    BC Brown

    1. This should read that a young boy witnesses his mother trying to kill *herself...

      Darned fingers and early mornings! lol

      BC Brown

    2. BC, the bra was definitely a memory that stuck. And worse than having my brother there, I had my step-father, too! I was mortified ...

      It sounds as though your story will be powerful -- that's an amazingly emotional memory to draw from.

  2. Interesting that you can't read the replies ... I think some font color changes are in order!

    Here's what my reply said: BC, the bra was definitely a memory that stuck. And worse than having my brother there, I had my step-father, too! I was mortified ...

    It sounds as though your story will be powerful -- that's an amazingly emotional memory to draw from.

  3. Just an FYI, Marianne, you can read the font if you effectively 'highlight' it all. It then lights up in blue. :)

    Also, FYI, I am linking my upcoming blog article (due Wednesday) to your article here. Since you inspired my article, I decided you deserved a little "linked" love.

    BC Brown - Paranormal, Mystery, Romance, Fantasy
    "Because Weird is Good."

  4. Hahahaha! Maybe I need to incorporate my quest for a bag of Baked Lays into one of my stories....I got a speeding ticket one block from my apartment, and didn't have my license on me. Three grocery stores within a mile radius and NO baked lays! Spouse was not amused, lol!

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